A chart showing 84.52% of requests have been categorised
204 requests left to categorise / 1,318 total

Top recent players

All time best players

1. Jack Lau 41 requests
2. Kelvin Lee 28 requests
3. A. Cheung 12 requests
4. Guy Freeman 11 requests
5. Patrick Chan 10 requests
6. Ken Lee 7 requests
7. Preston Cheung 6 requests
8. Scott Edmunds 3 requests
9. cty 3 requests
10. stranbusel 2 requests

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Some people who've made requests haven't let us know whether they were successful or not. We need your help – choose one of these requests, read it, and let everyone know whether or not the information has been provided. Everyone'll be exceedingly grateful.

Referring to Appendix G, H and J of Annual Traffic Census 2021 (https://www.td.gov.hk/filemanager/en/content_5167/Annual%20Traffic%20Census%202021.pdf)...
政府資訊科技總監辦公室 公開資料主任: 請問位於九龍長沙灣青山道668號W668 11樓1101室的處所,是否屬於第599F章表列處所?請問上述處所有否申請「安心出行」二維碼?其「安心出行」的場所類別為何?有否遵照展示「安心出行」二維碼的指示要求?
Health condition among Hong Kong People influenced by large intake of salt
Requested from Department of Health by Lesia on

Awaiting classification.

Out of concern for health problems of people in Hong Kong caused by high intake of salt, my classmate and I are doing a research based on the governmen...

Thanks for helping - your work will make it easier for everyone to find successful responses, and maybe even let us make league tables...